Y2K At the end of year 1999, when all computer application software by changing date moved from last two digits 99 to 00 , Y2K bug happened. Product of new millenium resulted in creation of the Cyber culture and the birth of the Cyber generation. We are children of the dying planet , kids of the new millenium. We are Y2k.
Project It's been five long years since we started work on Y2KWOR project. So many things changed, many battles behind us. Idea of project evolved and adapted with us. We learned from mistakes and never gave up. Now, we feel more stronger and capable then ever. Dignifyed to be a y2k:digital warrior. Project entered it's 4th version. From eccentric presentration to multimedia portal, builded with power of interactive/dynamic flash, y2kwor.org is now a z0ne of Cyber Revolution. We are here to backup over generation. Our focus is on fields of informing, education and entertainment. With open mind and pure hart, we shall stand up for those who are worthly.
Portal :
[keep it..:)] keepdsmile.com funny face of the web
BlueGaya:.Network e-world
Drugwor.org : place To Face the Facts
kim b.p.
kill the rur squad