The way of digital warrior (ebook)
Dedicated to Y2K, children of a dying planet.
When evil time comes, and there's no more light, One must not give up. No meter how it pains, or how much fear flow thru One's vein's . We all pay price for over existence; Keep your smile up and never, never, don't give up.
It is all about illusion. so one must not, get in confusion. Don't lose your self in element called ether, the Maya world, finding a way out, is almost absurd. One's head need to be straight, and don't forget, to keep the faith.
Finding out yourself and your own place, will get smile, back on one's face. A little time is all that we have, so it is time to learn to share. Over self, earth, water, fire and air.
The war is not outside. It is Inside. Don't be under influence of planetary dream. Don't live in fear. Live your own dream, find out what that is, to be a human being, and how those it feel, to be a mind free.
By living in peace with self and others, one will find strength and will. The only thing he will ever need. Mind is one's weapon. Technology is only a tool.One uses it, but not depends on it.
Strong mind needs strong body. Strong body needs strong spirit. One is his whole being. It is not easy to succeed in resurrection of unity. But one those not give up. One is always looking. Looking for a way. Looking for more.
One uses what he knows. but he knows that he don't know nothing. One's need pure hearth, Kokoro, to succeed. If false, there will be rules. If true, rules, will be there. Rules are needed. For a perfect Society. Without them, we would be lost.
One seeks. One believes. One respect life. One respect himself. One need's to understand others, cause they are not just empty folders. They are one's brothers. The way of one is his own way of truth. And the truth, is only one.
My Lord, out there, in the sky, let me be, your serving knight. Let me do what is right, make me strong, for my fight. Prepare me, for my flight. Don't lose me, out of your sight. Find me out there, in the night. Let me be, your warrior of light. Amen.
ob1y2k ob1 y2k ob1*y2k* zone of cyber revolution